Monday, February 20, 2012

Facing The Parting

Snow hasn't been very well lately, &  I have a hunch that her age is catching up on her, only time will tell. 
But in the mean time, it's brought the parting very near, 
and with it the question of weather we should make the move to put her at rest, 
She is a least 14yo maybe older, we were sold her as a 6 month old pup, 
but experience with Maremma's has told us that she was at least 2yo when we got her,  
She is a dog that I have been very close to, & she has been by my side through a lot of hard & painful experience's. 
Hence the poem that I put together just now, 

Facing The Parting

As I stood by your side, at the crack of dawn,
And watched while it swiftly brightened to morn.
I pondered the question, of what I should do?
Of would be the best for you?

Should I hasten the blow? That I know has to fall!
The one that someday will fall on us all!
Snow, your gaze chills me with very fear,
As you try to tell me, what I don't want to hear.

12 years of my 20 you've been my complete pride,
 12 years you've stood steadily by my side.
Through every test that we've faced 
And every hill and gully, where we've paced.

There is a bend ahead in the road,
That we must walk together.
No matter how heavy be the load,  
For it's a bend that'll part us forever. 
To me, you have always been true,
And now it is my turn to stand by you,

How can I? How can I?
Take the step that I fear to take
Yet what I feel is best for you?

Dedicated to Snow, My sweet maremma dog

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