Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Country Music ( Dean Perrett )

A while ago I was looking for some music that stuck a chord with me, & being a fairly fussy person when it comes to music it wasn't easy.
What I wanted was aussie country music, but not just country style music, I wanted the bush music. 
To tell the truth I wasn't even sure if there was such a thing.... 
But while hunting on the net I found the website www.countrymusic.com.au  & after going through everyone listed there....I found it...much to my surprise!!!  
At first I thought I guess I just stuck a good song, but I checked it out a bit more & after looking at the website, googling the artist & searching you-tube, 
I found 3 videos, filmed at a country music muster not far from where I live, 
I could hardly believe what I was listening to... it was just what I wanted!!! 

So after a week or two of deliberating over it, I bit the bullet & sent the order away for those albums...
Got them the other day, and turned on the player...and after playing every album, I'll tell you just what I really think.... 

Some songs are based on the Australian history of those who opened this land & settled the first cattle stations, or legends like Clancy. 

While others are about cattle farming, mustering, trucking, old mates, or about this beautiful country in which we live. 

Something I noticed about these albums, is the background music, while it is similar each song is very much it own individual. Which I like, for if you are busy or have something on your mind, you can tune out a bit & still really enjoy it...Very nice background music too!!!! Well done Mate...

I know that I certainly would not hesitate to purchase Dean Perretts music again...

If you like dinkum aussie bush music....you aren't going to get better than Dean's music, he sings with the aussie lingo, about what he knows and lives, & you can hear that ringing true in every song.  Quite a few are written / or co-written by Dean, they are excellent...& those that aren't, are very well chosen... www.deanperrett.com  
This music is outstanding!!!
Can I say more???

By a very proud & happy owner...

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