Sunday, December 9, 2012

The day has finally arrived.....

The day that Albert Einstein
feared has finally arrived!

Having coffee with friends.
A day at the beach.
Cheering on your team.
Having dinner out with your friends.
Out on an intimate date.
Having a conversation with your BFF
A visit to the museum
Enjoying the sights
    That day has arrived……

"copied from an copyright infringement meant. ~ jackyrelle"

Friday, November 23, 2012

Just Mucking round

My version of saddle boy,
Played on a Blueridge Guitar, with no pickup or mic.
Comments welcome.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Turned up like a bad

No I haven't fallen off the face of the earth... just been busy & slacking at posting....anyway back for now :) 

Through May & June, I was working to jobs in town plus helping on the farm,
1 was a 6 week contract entering data etc, in an office,
the other was deli assistant at an iga supermarket, which I recently quit after 16 months....time for a change,
Currently I'm unemployed and on the job hunt, and am also enrolling in "Certificate II in Animal Studies" as a stepping stone to the goal of being a Veterinary Nurse....

In other words we had good rain this last month of June tallying out at 156.5 mls or approx 6" inchs,
exceptional rain for winter,

Jasper is growing up now just a touch over 12 months....still a mad crazy pup at the moment though,

 The other dogs are doing well, Sheena, Snow & Candy.


With the absence of Roxy who is now sleeping peacefully. 

Jardine & the Cows are all going well, no resent photos, I should get some soon.
these two blog posts introduce the cows & last years calves,
animal-introduction-no-2-cows.  the calves
Of Currently I'm milking Lozzy, who is also rearing her bull calf Flashie, & Bugsie's heifer calf Priscilla.
In the photos below, we have Flashie, (Black & White Steer, ) & Priscilla (Red & White Heifer) with Lozzy,  Priscilla is our first Guernsey x Jersey heifer


We sold Bugsie & Rosy some months back, as neither were performing good enough, bugsie wasn't making enough milk to rear her own calf, let alone anything else, but she was as fat as.....

Dasiy is due to calve this month, and at a guess, I'd say twins again.
Lucy & Toffee are Due to calve in Jan 13

Twinkie & Heidie are cute as ever :-)


Think that probably sums it all up for now....catch ya round :-)  

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Warning - Caution - Notice

Farm Kids
Warning-One kid's 4-H dairy project can and will accelerate the aging process of the parents by several years.
Caution-Farm kids' clothes pockets will be filled with straw, bugs, bolts, mud, live frogs, and cow teeth. 
Notice-Farm kids will learn lessons and work ethics on the farm that money can't buy and these will mold their character forever.
Farm Dogs
Warning-This dog rolls in all road kills and eats cow patties for dessert.
Notice-You've never experienced loyalty until you receive it from a farm dog.
Warning-Approach with caution after wet weather in the spring has kept him out of the fields for a week. Especially if he has 300 acres of corn left to plant.
Warning-Failure to feed at regular intervals causes irritation.
Caution-This man cannot coordinate clothing unless John Deere green and farm product logos are involved.
Notice-When a farmer says economize this does not mean a moratorium on machinery purchases. What it does mean is stop making so many long distance calls to the kids and let's not buy the TV Guide at the grocery anymore.
Farm livestock
Caution-These animals will escape confinement on a regular basis. Be prepared for the chase.
Warning-City kids who visit will fall in love with your farm animals.
Caution-Farming will bring frustrations with weather, markets, livestock and constant interruptions.
Notice-Farming is addictive. Once you're hooked, you wouldn't trade it for anything.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Country Music Tour, March 2012

Country / Bush Balladeer Music Tour in Queensland & New South Wales
With Golden Guitar Winners,  Dean Perrett & Jeff Brown! 
Don't miss it, if you like aussie country or bush ballad music..... this is true blue! 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Facing The Parting

Snow hasn't been very well lately, &  I have a hunch that her age is catching up on her, only time will tell. 
But in the mean time, it's brought the parting very near, 
and with it the question of weather we should make the move to put her at rest, 
She is a least 14yo maybe older, we were sold her as a 6 month old pup, 
but experience with Maremma's has told us that she was at least 2yo when we got her,  
She is a dog that I have been very close to, & she has been by my side through a lot of hard & painful experience's. 
Hence the poem that I put together just now, 

Facing The Parting

As I stood by your side, at the crack of dawn,
And watched while it swiftly brightened to morn.
I pondered the question, of what I should do?
Of would be the best for you?

Should I hasten the blow? That I know has to fall!
The one that someday will fall on us all!
Snow, your gaze chills me with very fear,
As you try to tell me, what I don't want to hear.

12 years of my 20 you've been my complete pride,
 12 years you've stood steadily by my side.
Through every test that we've faced 
And every hill and gully, where we've paced.

There is a bend ahead in the road,
That we must walk together.
No matter how heavy be the load,  
For it's a bend that'll part us forever. 
To me, you have always been true,
And now it is my turn to stand by you,

How can I? How can I?
Take the step that I fear to take
Yet what I feel is best for you?

Dedicated to Snow, My sweet maremma dog

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Australia Day 2012

Happy Australia Day!!!  

Below is a collection of songs by slim dusty that are a fitting tribute to Australia Day & tell the story as it is. 

Waltzing Matilda  -Slim Dusty-

Australia Is His Name  -Slim Dusty-

She'll Be Right Mate -Slim Dusty-

Give it a go mate -Slim Dusty-

G'day G'day -Slim Dusty-

We've Done Us Proud -Slim Dusty-

A Picture Of Home -Slim Dusty-

Australia Day  is the official national day of Australia. Celebrated annually on 26 January, the date commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788 and the proclamation at that time of British sovereignty over the eastern seaboard of New Holland.
Although it was not known as Australia Day until over a century later, records of celebrations on 26 January date back to 1808, with the first official celebration of the formation of New South Wales held in 1818. It is presently an official public holiday in every state and territory of Australia and is marked by the presentation of the Australian of the Year Awards on Australia Day Eve, announcement of the Honours List for the Order of Australia and addresses from the Governor-General and Prime Minister. With community festivals, concerts and citizenship ceremonies the day is celebrated in large and small communities and cities around the nation. Australia Day has become the biggest annual civic event in Australia.

Proud to be Australian
We will stand true to our country & those who settled this land & fought to keep it free!!!